The Picts and the Martyrs First edition 1943

Jonathan Cape, London - hardback

The original price was eight shillings and six pence (modern currency 45 pence).

Dedicated to "Aunt Helen C.F.C.A. Plus 100 A1. (These letters mean Certified First Class Aunt. There are aunts of all kinds, and all the good ones should be given certificates by their nephews and nieces to distinguish them from Uncertified Aunts, like Nancy's and Peggy's G.A.)". Aunt Helen was Ransome's own aunt who encouraged him to become a writer.

On the spine of the wrapper there is an illustration of Dick and Dorothea collecting Scarab. This was never used on any page of the edition.

Copies of this edition with wrapper are common and sell for reasonable prices.

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The Picts and the Martyrs
Ransome Cape editions